Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6/Järvi

Victor Carr Jr

Artistic Quality:

Sound Quality:

Neeme Järvi’s take on Tchaikovsky’s Sixth is stylistically consistent with his other recordings of the composer’s music (namely the orchestral suites and tone poems on Chandos) in that he favors relatively brisk tempos, smoothly dovetailed phrasing, and an overall lightness of orchestral sonority. In emphasizing the music’s frequently balletic nature, and making his points with sharp jabs rather than broad swipes, Järvi steers clear of the heavy, heart-rending approach of other conductors, most famously Bernstein, whose DG recording makes the Pathétique sound like a proto Shostakovich Eighth Symphony.

After the opening bassoon solo, the first movement springs into action thanks to Järvi’s nimble energy and tight rhythmic control. The big tune seems a trifle cool on first appearance, but it really heats up the second time around, while the great climax makes a powerful impact. The middle movements proceed with similar alacrity–the famous scherzo marches along confidently (though without Mravinksy’s manic drive or Bernstein’s cocky swagger). However, the finale is somewhat of a disappointment, as Järvi’s white-gloved approach (with its oh-so-clean climaxes) robs the music of the requisite pathos–not something you want in a symphony named “Pathétique”.

Even so, the performance can be enjoyed for the stunning work of the Gothenberg Symphony, whose virtuosic and deeply committed playing makes the piece sound fresh–quite an accomplishment these days. This orchestral excellence extends to Francesca da Rimini as well, though it’s not enough to make up for Järvi’s oddly stiff way with the music–particularly the “inferno” sections, where the conductor’s slow, rigid tempos and rhythmic exactness make Hell sound more like a day at the dance studio than a realm of torment. No such reservations apply to the sound, however. BIS’s DSD recording has all the clarity, presence, and impact you could ask for (and this is just the stereo SACD version). Audiophiles will get a kick out of it, while connoisseurs of fine orchestral playing will find much to enjoy as well, even if this isn’t really a top choice.

Recording Details:

Reference Recording: Mravinsky (DG), Bernstein (DG), Muti/Philharmonia (EMI)

PIOTR ILYICH TCHAIKOVSKY - Symphony No. 6 "Pathetique"; Francesa da Rimini

  • Record Label: BIS - 1348
  • Medium: CD

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