There is nothing to criticize here and plenty to enjoy. As with previous releases in this series, the playing of Florilegium is the last word in graciousness and elegance, and the music itself is unfailingly inventive and charming. I’m thinking in particular of the quietly humorous “Distrait” movement from the Sixth Quartet, with its delicious echo effects at the ends of phrases, or the gorgeous Courante from the B-minor suite. The Fourth Quartet shares the same key, and its “Triste” also represents one of the disc’s highlights. In fact, three of the four works here feature minor keys, the exception being the A major quartet No. 5, with its opening Vivement prelude and two sections marked “Gai” (though one of them is only “un peu”). Also in keeping with previous releases, the sonics are absolutely state-of-the-art, whether in stereo or incredibly life-like 5.0 multichannel formats. It just doesn’t get any better. [3/30/2006]