Does anyone need 71 minutes of Chinese recorder concertos? On evidence here, the answer is “yes”. This is beautiful music, often astoundingly so. Sure, there’s a touch of film music glitter to Tang Jianping’s Flying Song, and Ma Shui-long’s Bamboo Flute Concerto starts with the somewhat oxymoronic designation “Andante Grandioso”, but so what? Both Bright Sheng’s and Chen Yi’s works effortlessly integrate a more contemporary musical syntax with traditional Chinese idioms, and the music works perfectly–intriguing, beguiling, and full of character. It also goes without saying that Michala Petri has no peer today as a master of her instrument, and she wrings more color and expressive intensity from the recorder than you ever believed possible. Toss in fine accompaniments and outstanding engineering, and the result is an absolute joy from start to finish. [8/1/2011]