Simon Rattle’s second go at Mahler’s Tenth is similar to his first, both in regard to the generally quick and flowing tempos and in his use of the Derryck Cooke/Berthold Goldschmidt/Colin & David Matthews score. (This score differs from the standard Cooke in its addition of a cymbal crash at the end of Scherzo I, the omission of the xylophone part in Scherzo II, and the linking of the fourth and fifth movements with a single drum stroke.) Where the new reading differs is in the dramatically superior playing of the Berlin Philharmonic (over the Bournemouth Symphony), and in the vastly improved cohesiveness of Rattle’s interpretation. What was before disjointed (certain passages in the first movement and finale) now appears seamless and clearly focused. The live recording has atmosphere aplenty, though Decca’s for the recently reissued Chailly has greater space and depth. That release is the best overall recommendation for the Cooke Mahler Tenth, and those who wish to go beyond what he achieved should seek out Remo Mazzeti’s fascinating revised version on Telarc. Still, Rattle’s performance is one of the few with one of the world’s top-flight orchestras, and this value-priced MHS issue is most welcome.