Bruckner’s symphonies don’t easily lend themselves to piano reductions. The problem largely lies within the composer’s long stretches of string tremolos. If one literally replicates
Hindemith’s Horn Concerto is not one of his two or
What is the deal with Christoph Eschenbach? His recent work
This recording constitutes nothing less than a landmark in both
If you somehow missed each individual release in the Amar
Martyn Brabbins deserves credit for playing Hindemith utterly without that clunky, Teutonic heaviness that can make so many performances of this music (including many of
Hindemith’s music seems to be out of fashion these days.
This dud of a performance was a disappointment when it was released 30 years ago and it has aged badly. Robert Heger was never more
Lest you think this is another garden-variety Freischütz, look again: This is a “French” version prepared for the Opéra de Paris in l841, with no
There are wonderful performances of the more famous Weber overtures